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The Digital Marketing Glossary

404 Error Page

A 404 Page Not Found error is an error page that you receive when the web page you’re trying to visit doesn’t exist.

301 Redirect

A 301 Redirect refers to a page that has permanently moved to a new location.

302 Redirect

A 302 Redirect refers to a page that has temporarily moved to a new location.

A/B Split Test

A/B split test refers to an experiment on two different versions of landing pages, email subject lines, calls to action, etc. The goal of an A/B split test is to compare the results of the experiment to see which version performed better.

Above the Fold

Above the fold is the content on a web page that first loads when you visit the website without having to scroll down the page.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP is a project by Google and Twitter that makes it easy for publishers to create lightning fast mobile pages.

Alt Tag

The alt tag refers to the alt attribute or alt description within the IMG tag.


A backlink is a link from an external website pointing back to your website.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate refers to a user who visits a web page and exits the website after viewing only one page.

Call to Action (CTA)

A CTA is designed to prompt a website visitor to take a specific action such as “Buy Now” or “Sign Up”.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS refers to how HTML elements are displayed on a web page when you visit it. CSS adds style (fonts, spacing, colors, etc.) to web pages.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

CTR refers to the ratio of how many people see your ad or a specific link and end up clicking on it.

Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS is an application that helps create and manage the content published on your website.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that compliments all of your other marketing strategies. Types of content could include blog posts, videos, eBooks, infographics, and so on. The purpose of content marketing is to help educate your audience and attract new customers.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who take a certain action, such as users who sign up for free trial, purchase a product, or download a lead magnet.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO refers to improving the percentage of website visitors or visitors viewing your ad who take a certain action, such as downloading a lead magnet, requesting a quote, or becoming a new customer.


Copywriting is the core of an effective marketing strategy, it’s the written copy that communicates your company message in a way that will get your audience to take some sort of action.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A CRM system allows your business to manage all of your contacts in one central spot, keep notes on them, manage tasks, keep track of your communication history, and many other functions.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to marketing strategies that take place online or through other digital channels.

Domain Name

A domain name is the unique name that you choose for your website and gives you a web address to use. For example:


Drupal is a content management system used build websites and manage your website content.

Google Analytics (GA)

Google Analytics allows you to track your website data and create reports for free. This is a necessary tool for all of your digital marketing strategies.

Google Optimize

Google Optimize allows you to run web experiments to improve your conversion rate. It’s a free solution provided by Google to perform A/B testing.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free tool that allows you to manage all of the technical aspects of your website. It allows you to monitor your indexing status, craw rate, server errors, and much more. This is another tool that you should always set up and utilize.

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

GTM is a free tool provided by Google that provides a simple solution for you to manage and upload all of your website tags, pixels, and tracking scripts in one central spot.

Heading Tags

Heading tags are the most important headings on your web page. Headings are defined with the h1 to h6 tags and are part of the HTML coding.


HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and is the set of rules used by the World Wide Web for transferring files (text, images, video, and so on) and what actions web browsers and servers should take in response to various commands.


HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure and is the same thing as HTTP, but it adds a layer of security by encrypting data using a secure socket layer (SSL) or transport layer security (TLS) protocol connection.

Image Optimization

Image optimization refers to the compression and format of your images to reduce the file size and allow your images to load quickly. Image optimization is an important part of your SEO strategy and plays a big part in how fast your web pages load.


Infusionsoft is a robust sales and marketing automation system that also allows you to track your contacts (CRM System). Infusionsoft is designed for small businesses and gives them the tools that large businesses have at a fraction of the price.

Internal Linking

Inter linking refers to links on your website that point to other internal pages giving users an easy navigation between these pages. Internal linking plays a key part in your user experience and SEO strategy.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

KPIs help your company measure important metrics that show the progress you are making towards your goals. Here are a few examples of KPIs: Profit (Both Gross & Net), Sales by a Specific Marketing Strategy, Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC).

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important process used to discover the most relevant and effective keywords to target for your SEO, content marketing, and paid advertising strategies.

Link Building

Link building is an essential part of every SEO strategy. Link Building refers to the process of building links from external websites and getting them to link back to your website (Backlink).

Local SEO

Local SEO refers to local search engine optimization that help businesses be discovered in their local region.


Joomla! is a free content management system that gives you many flexible options to build a professional website. Joomla! offers many features that other CMS systems such as WordPress don’t offer.


Magento is another content management system that is built on an open source platform and provides you with an abundance of features to build a robust ecommerce website.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to software that provides the technology to automate many of your marketing tasks and allows your organization to operate more efficiently

Meta Title

A meta title is the HTML code that gives the search engines a description of your web page and is the title that you see of a listing in the search results. Meta titles are another important part of an SEO strategy.

Meta Description

A meta description is similar to a meta title but it gives a more detailed description of the web page. Meta descriptions are the snippet of HTML code that shows just below the title in the search results. Meta descriptions also play a crucial part in optimizing your web pages for the search engines.

Mobile Responsive Design

Mobile responsive design is a web design process that provides an excellent viewing experience across a variety of devices and screen resolutions. Using a mobile responsive design will allow the web pages on your website to adapt and resize based on the device your website visitors are using.

Off-site Optimization

Off-site and off-page optimization refer to the tactics you take outside of your actual website to improve your organic search rankings. Link building is an example of an off-site strategy.

On-site Optimization

On-site and on-page optimization refer to the strategies you use on your website to improve your organic search rankings.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to the traffic to your website that you don’t pay for.

Page Speed

Page speed refers to the measurement of how fast a web page loads on your website.

Paid Traffic

Paid traffic refers to any traffic sent to your website that you pay for. For example: Pay Per Click (PPC) such as Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, Bing Ads, and so on.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC refers to an advertising strategy where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.

rel=canonical Tag

rel=canonical tag, AKA canonical tag is how you tell search engines like Google which URL represents the original copy or master copy of a web page. It’s best practice to use this tag to avoid duplicate content issues.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is primarily a paid advertising strategy that is used to promote your website and increase your visibility in the search engines.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a marketing strategy used to increase the amount of organic traffic you get to your website. This is achieved by optimizing your website to rank high in the search engines.


Shopify is an ecommerce solution that allows you to create an online store to sell your products. It allows you to customize how your online store looks, accept credit card payments, and track your orders.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

An SSL refers to the standard security technology that transmits private data securely and protects confidential data entered into a website.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM is a marketing strategy that utilizes social networks to promote your business, share content, and build brand awareness.

Style Guide

A style guide provides guidelines to follow for how your brand and content must be presented.


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) describes the address of a webpage on your website.

User Experience (UX)

UX refers to how a person interacts with your company, your website, and other products or services your business offers. UX can describe a person’s emotions or attitudes they have about interacting with your company.

Website Audit

A website audit is the process of analyzing everything related to your website to have get a better understanding of why your website is not generating the results you were hoping for.

Web Server

A web server is a computer program that delivers web pages to users using a HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).


WordPress is one of the most recognized content management systems that allows you to create a professional website and manage your content.

XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps are used to give the search engines an easy way crawl and index your website. They also provide the search engines with more information about the structure of your website and instructions for the search engine crawl bots to follow.